By Georgeventin
United Kingdom
what is the alternative to Tar oil wash on fruit trees
On plant
Malus domestica
21 Feb, 2010
Featured on:
fruit trees
will that do anything for pear mite?~ buds are already on the trees!
21 Feb, 2010
There is a horticultural soap sold specifically in place of the old Creosote based Winter Tar.
21 Feb, 2010
Sadly Arlene, I don't think so, at least not for Pear leaf blister mite which is what I presume you are referring to?
Spraying with provado (not when in flower) has been reported to have some effect against them.
21 Feb, 2010
Yes Armillitox, it stinks a bit but if I were a bug i wouldn't go near for that reason alone :-)
21 Feb, 2010
Thanks~none of the buds has broken yet so will give it a try~
21 Feb, 2010
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« hi, can anyone identify this plant? thanks in advance. regards, andrew
Armillatox, dilution 50:1
21 Feb, 2010