By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
I have a small (very small) wild flower "meadow" patch, about 8ft x 12ft, sown with Silene, Cerinthe, Ox-Eye Daisies, vetches, etc. Last year it was invaded by Cow Parsley which completely obliterated all the others except the Ox-Eye Daisies. I'm attempting to weed out all signs of Cow Parsley, but am wondering whether to dig the patch over, or will that just make things worse?
4 Oct, 2013
Thanks very much Eileen! I had a feeling digging would make things worse . . . last year 3 different people dug the patch over, and it didn't make a scrap of difference to the Cow Parsley. I will do as you suggest once the soil is more manageable (i.e. wetter :)).
4 Oct, 2013
Get some yellow rattle in, too, to weaken the grasses.
6 Oct, 2013
I was just thinking that too Hortum . . . many thanks!
6 Oct, 2013
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that will make things worse as the cowparsley has a small tap root abit like a dandelion. Spot weedkill the cowparsley and dead head before it can self seed. or use a daisy grubber tool/old knife to remove the tap root.
4 Oct, 2013