United Kingdom
I have a tall wood fence at the bottom of my garden (it doesnt belong to me) and I need something to camoflage it. My garden is not that big so I dont want to take up too much space and is preferably an all year round cover. Any ideas?
22 Feb, 2010
If not try any type of climber. A Passion flower (Passiflora) is a good one as my brother has one against his 6 foot fence
25 Feb, 2010
Beware of Passion Flower though, mine has gone through fence into neighbours garden and onwards and upwards into their cherry tree ! Luckily, they don't mind ! : o )
25 Feb, 2010
What about an evergreen clematis, e.g.Montana in various shades, as the leaves can be beautiful colours too, or Armandii with white flowers. Montana spreads very fast and can be cut back hard if necessary, and Armandii is slower growing. You'd need to put some netting on the fence for it to cling to though. Annie (Cumbria)
12 Jul, 2011
What about a Cotoneaster, almost evergreen, ideal for wildlife and red berries in Autumn, also it grows flat up against the fence taking up little room.
23 Feb, 2010