West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Hardy Geraniums. I have a small rough lawn at the front of my house, about 20'by10' and it is becoming a bit of a chore to mow as I have to carry/drag the mower round from the back shed. I was trying to think of a solution other than concrete or gravel and hit on the idea of mixed hardy geraniums. I thought they wouldn't need too much attention and would keep the weeds down but a friend thinks they would be more work and unsightly for most of the year. Do you agree?
22 Feb, 2010
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Hi, geraniums are brilliant plants, one of my favourites, Ann Folkard looks good most of the time and has lovely golden leaves, flowers for months. But why restrict yourself to geraniums, what about mixing heucheras with them they are mostly evergreen and come in fantastic colours and there are some for sun or shade. Have a look on vickys pics. Or what about some pretty shrubs, maybe evergreens?
22 Feb, 2010
underplant with small bulbs for the spring--- just imagine snowdrops- crocus--(all those lovely colours)- then miniature daffs -followed by tulips Then followed by herbaceous plants and as Bornagain says there are such a variety you'll be spoilt for choice! that should take you to the first frosts if you do the maintenance suggested by Simbad ( not as hard as mowing) and as for shrubs there are lotsof small evergreens( doesn't have tobe all conifers) there's the variegates Euonymus for example which look bright and cheerful on the darkest winters day--- hope this helps-- have fun planning it!
23 Feb, 2010
Try some of the miniature/alpine hardy geraniums....they will be easier to keep under control.
23 Feb, 2010
Wonderful suggestions here, and now I've discovered Spritzhenry's blog on hardy geraniums, my mind is made up. I can already see wonderful mingles out there on that rough old patch! I must take a trip to Morrisons as suggested by someone--Mavis I think, and I already have some Johnson's Blue in the back garden which I can split.Thanks very much everyone. I do love this site!
23 Feb, 2010
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I have quite a few hardy geraniums and think they look good for a lot of the year, if you cut them hard back after flowering they sometimes flower again if not you get lots of fresh new foliage within a couple of weeks, other than that just need dividing every three years or so, true they do die back in winter but I love them and would definitely recommend giving them a go :-)
22 Feb, 2010