Any idea's on what this plant is?
By Steve_dj
United Kingdom
Latest pic of this mystery plant. Starting to bush out a bit now so someone might know now. 1st pic of how it was, 2nd pic is the old stems. 3rd pic is how it is to date. So glad i prunned it right back to the roots and started again with it. Looks like it could be a nice plant

23 Feb, 2010
The stems look a bit like those of a Bistort..?
23 Feb, 2010
Not clematis, wrong leaf wrong everything. probably a weed.
23 Feb, 2010
Thanks for the replies guys and after a closer look at my plant & looking at pics of Bistort I don't think it is Nicky. I could be wrong.
However after looking at pics of Clematis the leafs & stems look very similar Drc so might be that. I hope it is as that is a lovely looking plant. If it is when would it start to flower?
Lets hope its not a weed Moon grower as i'm going to leave it till summer and see what happens with it!
23 Feb, 2010
You may find spring will start to show you what it is. x
23 Feb, 2010
Could you pop round sometime Mum as it def needs a trim & tidyup but don't want to cut of the wrong sections!
23 Feb, 2010
Its worth waiting to see as it still looks like a Clematis to me and you may have a nice surprise! If it is a clematis it could flower any month from about May?
24 Feb, 2010
Drc726 - Is it worth giving it a big haircut and placing it in a large pot?
I have another plant that needs to be grounded rather than in a pot which it is now and wondered about doing a straight swap! (See other questions)
24 Feb, 2010
I would leave it because if its an old Clematis they do not like root disturbance When it starts to shoot top dress it and feed. Lets have another pic when the weather starts to change about a month?
25 Feb, 2010
I've got one of these, don't know what it is as the plastic pot was a freebee from an aunt and this plant was in the pot - just like in your top photo.
It eventually put out more leaves and in summer produced a blue flower.
Hope this helps. If it doesn't, at least it gave you something to read. ;-)
28 Feb, 2010
Thanks Drc & Stjohn. Just looks so untidy & tatty at the moment. I was so close to digging it up yesterday as I removed all the dead ivy from that area. Kinda job I wish I hadn't started as there's now a wacking great gap where it was and got to cresote the fence where it was! 1 job followed by another!! lol
Will post another pic in a couple of months.
2 Mar, 2010
Could it be a Vinca, although prob not as its leafless!?
2 Mar, 2010
2 Mar, 2010
Latest pic of the mystery plant. Growing so much quicker now i cut all the dead stems off back to the roots. Been top feeding it with compost and keeping it moist. Any ideas what it could be now? Do you still think it's a clematis Drc? Hope it is as they are a beautifull plant.
11 Apr, 2010
I still say not clematis
11 Apr, 2010
What do you think it is then Moon grower? Don't think it's a weed
11 Apr, 2010
Not sure Steve
12 Apr, 2010
No worries. I'll post another pic in a month as it's growing quite quick
12 Apr, 2010
Hi steve whatever it is some good growth on it - fingers crossed another month and someone will be able to name it!
12 Apr, 2010
Just had a suggestion of Honeysuckle bush from my friend on facebook.
8 May, 2010
The first 2 pics still look like a climber to me. But I dont think its Honeysuckle?
Are you sure Pic 3 is the same plant as pic 1 and 2?
8 May, 2010
Trust me Drc, its the same plant. I just cut it back to the roots and fed it well.
8 May, 2010
Ah! you may have over fed it to produce lots of green bubbly leaves that may be starting to bending over? I dont think its that, but I wouldnt feed it again for a while just in case. Dont give up on us it will be worth it in the end.
8 May, 2010
Oh right, I haven't top fed it since last weekend when i planted my clematis behind it. I'll just carry on watering.
9 May, 2010
Steve. A daisy like plant in my garden looks like those leaves of yours, I will look for a picture of it and put it in my photo's.
9 May, 2010
Steve am just going to post a pic of my new shoots on a Helianthus lemon queen? Is yours from this family?
20 May, 2010
It's similar but I think the leaves are slightly different. You have a pattern on yours but not on mine!
20 May, 2010
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23 Feb, 2010