By Shutkaroo
United Kingdom
Please Identify these beautiful Flowers for me, Saw some ones hanging baskets and want to grow them, they look heavenly !

11 Oct, 2013
KAreeAaeen KAreeAaaeen wrong answer, definately not you got another guess bulba(I have given you a nick name with Love). Thanks for trying.
I am thinking these are some sort of begonia's?
I will try to get a clearer picture if I can and repost!
11 Oct, 2013
Would've said they were tuberous trailing Begonias.
11 Oct, 2013
I was thinking trailing begonias to.
11 Oct, 2013
I'd go with begonias too, though a better photo would help!
11 Oct, 2013
Tuberous rooted begonias - looks like a mix of Begonia tuberhybrida and maybe some Begonia pendula mixed in. You can buy the tubers in early spring and start them off yourself, or buy as pot plants around May, but they're tender, so can't be put outside until end of May.
12 Oct, 2013
Thanks Bulba, Badfish, Simbad, Moone, Bamboo for sorting me out !
12 Oct, 2013
Look like Pelargoniums(geraniums) and/or Petunias.
11 Oct, 2013