By Jvt
United Kingdom
Over wintering onions, garlic and shallots.
I have just received the above ready for planting and I have a couple of questions. Do they prefer a rich soil with well rotted manure and compost and once planted should I use a mulch?
Many thanks, John

11 Oct, 2013
Hi Jvt, I set some of these onions for the first time in October last year. My soil is nothing special ( bit on the heavy side ), but 26 of the 30 I set produced some really good, big onions. And I did no mulching at all or anything else, just kept them watered regularly.
11 Oct, 2013
Great, thank you.
11 Oct, 2013
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Hi Jvt I can only comment on the onions and shallots and they wouldn't need too much manure and depending on your soil they shouldn't need any compost, as long as your soil is not too heavy and clayie (if that's a word ) .They should be fine without mulching , I used to grow show onions but I used to grow them from seed, planting them on Boxing Day, Roy.
11 Oct, 2013