Hello I wonder if you can help me with a question. I am trying to find out what the English name is for a Cypriot Fruit tree called Mespilia whose fruit are called Mespila. Someone says it may be a Medlar Tree. Also why would such a tree blossom at this time of year after not having blossomed for over 30 years when it has been in the same place. Any suggestions would be most welcome
13 Oct, 2013
You beat me to it Myron by seconds.
13 Oct, 2013
I know what you mean Roy, haha. I've answered a question before and while I was typing it in someone answered it and it was posted before mine. I looked a bit daft because it looked like I'd just duplicated the answer. Sorry :o(
13 Oct, 2013
No probs Myron.
13 Oct, 2013
thank you both. Do you have any idea why it would blosssom at this time of the year when it has never done this before. Its been in the same place for over 30 years and there has been no change in the way it has been looked after. Could it have been polonated by another tree ..... sorry for the vague questions but my mum and dad are completely baffled as to why this would happen.
Thanks again
13 Oct, 2013
Could it be something to do with all the rain we had last year and earlier this year and the very hot weather. Look on it as a blessing.
13 Oct, 2013
A lot of plants, including fruit trees like apples, too, throw a few flowers out of season, especially after a dry spell. It's as if they've been suffering from the drought (which winter also brings on in a different way by freezing the plant cells), and are relieved by the drop in temperature and a bit of rain. Just ignore it, it'll sort itself out. Does it fruit, sort of brown, small, squashed shape apple? If so, then it sounds like medlar. Country name for it - "Granny's arse"!
14 Oct, 2013
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Well Mespilus germanica is the Latin name for Medlar, so that could be so.
13 Oct, 2013