By Oliveoil
United Kingdom
Fuschia Experts please can anyone name this fuschia for me, it has lost its label and I have no idea if it is hardy or not. It came back after last winter so I presume it is but would really like to know if it is a hardy variety so I can be certain of where to keep it over winter.

15 Oct, 2013
thanks Steve is it Hardy or not please it does look like it could be Pink Galore and that name does sound familiar.
15 Oct, 2013
I thought Pink Galore as soon as I saw your pics,but only because I have a few :o) Mine overwintered ok the past two years..they are in pots. I wrapped them in a double layer of fleece, the pots as well,and just kept them under the Patio table outside,against a house wall..because my growhouse was full.. I .brought another into the Conservatory.Also took cuttings in July/August,before they turned woody..they all survived ok..good luck with yours :o)
15 Oct, 2013
Thanks Bloomer, this one wasn't wrapped up last winter but it was under the eaves at the side of the house quite sheltered so maybe that is why it survived - will wrap it up this year and keep it a bit warmer. I really like this one, its buds are so big and the colour is amazing. :O) thanks again for the info.
15 Oct, 2013
It is a lovely one,isn't it? mine have been quite late in flowering this year,like a lot of Fuchsia's it seems..but well worth the wait,when a lot of other things are almost finished now..Glad it helped,and hopefully, a better winter than the last two ! :o)
15 Oct, 2013
It certainly is beautiful, my favourite at the minute and as you say the fuschias here have been late also to come and show off. But after saying that we were playing catch up in the garden for months after the late spring and all the wet early on. We have been waiting for rain to come and it has been with us now for a couple of days if not a week. More forecast for today but nicer towards the weekend for us. Hope you are still getting some nice days to enable you to get out into your garden. :O)
16 Oct, 2013
We have had heavy rain too,most of last weekend,but fine the past two days,and back to rainagain today,and much colder....I just nip out when possible,mainly to keep dead heading the Cosmos..they are still doing well,with lots of new buds..I can't see them lasting much longer...I will miss them..:o(
16 Oct, 2013
Just a quick drop-in, if it helps ... I used to grow several dozen fuchsia varieties and a good rule-of-thumb is that the more flamboyant the flower, the less hardy it is!
From my old notes, Pink Galore is considered 'frost tender' so I think you were a bit lucky last year.
18 Oct, 2013
Thank you Peteg,advice always welcome..I guess I was pretty lucky really,after the weather we I didn't expect them to survive,to be honest ..
18 Oct, 2013
I will wrap it up and try to keep her safe, it is such an amazing fuschia, so full of pink skirts. lol. Hope I can keep it. :O) thanks for all the information guys. :O)
19 Oct, 2013
Possibly Trailing Fuchsia Pink Galore.
15 Oct, 2013