By Notal
United Kingdom
Can I grow an arum lily in a pot?
27 Oct, 2013
Interesting as I thought Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' was the hardiest! That was the reason I bought a few this year. Mine have been in pots all year and I have seen great growth and flowering. I am trying mine in a well draining site next to a wall all winter. I do expect it to come through. In a pot, a cold GH or coldframe should be fine. I guess it will be evergreen in a heated greenhouse.
27 Oct, 2013
Notal - I hope you don't mind me joining in your question, with a follow up.
GG - I note you say they are hungry plants. What would you recommend feeding them with? I have been successful in bringing mine through winter in the ground (protecting the crowns with straw) and although they are huge this year, they did not flower.
Kildermorie - I was advised to protect the crowns the first year, which I did and it seemed to do the trick. Unfortunately, they did not flower this year.
27 Oct, 2013
Hi Scotish
I fed mine, very early spring a sea weed extract , them tomato food May June July , they might be just settling in your soil after being in the pots and in the border very hardy if well drained and a mulch does come in handy to help with the cold.
In pots not hardy as the roots may get frozen
27 Oct, 2013
Thanks GG - I did feed it seaweed extract earlier in the year but nothing since. I'll remember for next year.
27 Oct, 2013
Thank you all for your comments.
29 Oct, 2013
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Yes you can I do the same , larger the pot the better and I use a 50% mix of multi purpose compost and John inns no 3.
And I keep in the greenhouse over the winter some are more tough I lost my Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' but my "Mr Martin" variety is a lot tougher as it survived the 2011/212 winter and still available to get hold off.
Its a hungry plant if you want flowers every year, and very easy from fresh seeds, full sun and keep well watered over the summer.
27 Oct, 2013