By Hank
United Kingdom
I bought a flat leaf parsley plant a 2 years ago, and understand it now needs replacing. It's a pretty big bush and parts of it don't even look like parsley but some parts look perfectly good.
Can I still eat it or must I really chuck it away ?

28 Oct, 2013
I had some of the other parsley which survived for about 5 years until I cut it back this year and I think its a gonner.
28 Oct, 2013
Not being too well up on self- seeding I looked it up in google.-
"Plants that drop seeds around which grow "
I hope my parsley does this,thanks S.G.I'll leave it there.
And thanks C., for your input.
29 Oct, 2013
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no you can give it a trim and keep it going if its happy enough. I have one that responded well until OH thought it was a weed and yanked it out.
do you let it self seed? that way you will get parsley but it may not be identical to the original but still perfectly edible.
28 Oct, 2013