By Marypat
United Kingdom
4 of my 6ft fence panels came out off their concrete posts last night in my back garden because of the stormy weather.
Is there any way I can lock them in together to prevent this happening again.
28 Oct, 2013
Thank you Kildermorie.
I wondered if there was any kind of mesh I could fasten to the concrete posts and stretch across the panels effectively lashing them together as the wind always attacks the panels from my neighbour's garden. I am not looking for an expensive solution. Any ideas?
28 Oct, 2013
Between me and next door we dug around the posts, sat them upright and reset with postcrete - the instant setting cement that you use a hose to water and set. Then the horizontal bars and verticals where reattached.
Am guessing you have a lap panel fence as that is the one that tends to fail due to winds? If you can add some small gaps to let the wind through that would help a lot.
Only mesh like thing that I can think of are windbreaks that have to lie in the prevailing wind - so neighbours side!
28 Oct, 2013
Hi Marypat, welcome to G o y, if the posts have not been dislodged, just replace the panels and try to hammer some wooden wedges into the top of the recessed section of post where the panels sit, so that they will be held in place more firmly, these panels seem to rattle a bit when they're erected, this is to allow for ease of placing them, so the wedges make a tighter fit and hold them in place better in high winds, Derek.
28 Oct, 2013
Derek's spot on of course. My panels have small gaps at each end and I cut some long thin wedges and hammered them down into each end. They've never moved since.
But if you ever want to get them out - say for treating the panels in some way, it may be difficult
29 Oct, 2013
I should have also added that you can also put small stubby wedges in down the sides if the panels are loose at the bottom. A couple of mine rattled and these cured cured the problem altogether.
29 Oct, 2013
Thank you Derekm, Snoopdog and Hank.
My concrete posts are very firmly set so no point in digging them up. But you're right about the wedges.I did wedge some of them but not all.
Thank you guys for your quick response.
29 Oct, 2013
I know this is an old post but I had this issue not long ago, some fence panel grips did it for me just slotted them in they stop the panel knocking and being lifted out, they are on amazon
didnt want to put a link as im new :)
7 Jun, 2015
These worked a treat on mine
6 Jan, 2016
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It depends on what was damaged. If it is a case of putting them back in place, then yes. Last year mine came out with similar wind and I placed them back in place and used postcrete to firm down the posts. If any wood has snapped or buckled then you need to replace those obviously.
28 Oct, 2013