Garden Magazine
By Sitheblade
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Which Garden Magazine/s are good value for money.
28 Feb, 2010
I enjoy the RHS garden mag I get via the membership. Fewer celebrity gardeners in this mag.
28 Feb, 2010
Go to the newsagent and browse the shelves for garden magazines. Find one that you like and take out one years subscription and cancell at the end of the year. As Moon grower says, they are all similar and after a year you will have heard it all. In following years there might be the occaisonal interesting and new article but they will be few and far between.
28 Feb, 2010
Join the local library . . . free information at your leisure !
28 Feb, 2010
i look for mags in charity shops - people often give them away after they've read them.
28 Feb, 2010
I do the same. Oxfam and other charity book shops are great. You can find books for a fraction of the price than what they are.
28 Feb, 2010
I don't buy them on a regular basis, but when I am in a shop I have a quick peek through them and if there is an article I am very interested in I buy the mag. But if you are on "growsonyou" who needs magazines
28 Feb, 2010
Although I don't subscribe to the magazine anymore - I reckon the best value for money in a "single issue" is the Gardeners' World magazine that has the "2 for 1" booklet and card (April or May - but you can clearly tell if it's the right one just by looking at it when it comes out).
We saved a £16 entrance fee on the Eden Project last year and £10 at Tresco before that. It also has Irish gardens.
It showed where all of the 239 gardens were, with brief descriptions of them and gave opening times.
It also gave some discounts for single people.
Last year's card covers to the end of April 2010 at some gardens.
Great value and loads of information for less than four pounds (and a good crossword).
I just wish that they (or anyone) published a book of gardening crosswords.....
28 Feb, 2010
I love the little newspaper called 'Garden News'..lots of good advice for those of us who need it and i love 'Garden Answers'...This is my 'in bed' reading...:>)
28 Feb, 2010
You have good taste Motinot :o)
1 Mar, 2010
I'd go for Garden News too. Reasonably priced as well, and not a glossy coffee table mag either.
1 Mar, 2010
Do you buy it may see my offerings every 4 weeks (blush)
1 Mar, 2010
Really? Well I have to confess to not regularly buying any gardening publication for some years now, but I once used to have it delivered regularly. How did you get that gig, I'd like to know...
1 Mar, 2010
Yes I am curious too...
1 Mar, 2010
Moon grower, just out of interest, have you ever looked at Garden News' forum ?
I met Amblealice on there a few years ago, i've seen her 'offerings in the paper too :-))
1 Mar, 2010
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None in my opinion, they all parrot the same info year in year out...
28 Feb, 2010