By Gnarly_gnome
Rambler rose
Can any one suggests a rambler rose that is very thorny, a person in work asked me as she wants to grow it on a wall at the bottom of her terraced garden to deter anyone climbing over but wants it to be covered in flowers she is happy with what ever colour as long as it is covered with thorns. She is also adding heavy duty trellis for it to be attached to
30 Oct, 2013
Maigold is a good thorny one and a reliable early bloomer. I think it is a climber rather than a rambler but mine has covered quite a large area and has the advantage of a second flush.
30 Oct, 2013
Climbing Cecile Brunner grows just like a rambler, and she is vicious!
30 Oct, 2013
Rose Excelsa (Red Dorothy Perkins) rampant old rambler, flowers summer to Autumn reaches 8ft, small double with crimson pink blooms. None fragrant though, it is very thorny and a very fast grower.
30 Oct, 2013
If she has enough room it might be worth planting two - one early, one late-flowering. My Felicite et Perpetue has a nasty bite and Albertine is savage! some of the rose grower websites will let you select by thornyness (take a look at - but other suppliers may do this as well)
31 Oct, 2013
In my opinion, nothing more 'savage' as said above, then Albertine.
31 Oct, 2013
And berberis below even pyracantha to catch the perrishers, the birds love the berries too.......
31 Oct, 2013
Melchisedec has reminded me about Cecile Brunner, which I planted last spring and it is already rampant and doing it's best to cover trellis, shed and pergola! Pretty little flowers though!
31 Oct, 2013
Hi Guys
Great suggestions
i will up date as she is buying then very soon she has been waiting on me !
31 Oct, 2013
Hi All
she found this very interesting and a bit spooky as her grandmother is called "Cecile" so that is a must have .
Loves the idea of growing two as well to flower at different times.
Sends her thanks as well
1 Nov, 2013
I have New Dawn [my avatar picture] and it is as thorny as thorny things can be. as I am only to aware when I have to prune the thing.
1 Nov, 2013
It depends how much she will need to control it. In general, climbers are easier to control than ramblers and have the advantage of a second flush. You could also look up the roses she fancies on the web or there are many rose catalogues available from different growers which will give her an idea of colours to put together. Cecile Brunner has a small 'buttonhole' rose with a pink bud turning a creamy colour as it opens. It blooms profusely.
3 Nov, 2013
Hi Penny
3 Nov, 2013
Previous question
Hi, I think that most, if not all, ramblers are thorny, and when they get established, will deter any intruders, Derek.
30 Oct, 2013