By Nannyann
United Kingdom
we have a problem with something pooing on the path outside our house there have been foxes in the area for years and we have never had any problems but recently someone moved in with 7 cats is there any way we can identify if it is foxes or cats i know this is not a gardening problem but i dont know where to go for an answer
2 Nov, 2013
Do you mean shoot the cats as well as the foxes?
2 Nov, 2013
Could be hedgehogs , next door moaned about poo on the patio and I had a family of hedgehogs living in my garden, mother and 4 babies and quite regularly it was all over the place on the paths
2 Nov, 2013
Some tom cats are lazy, so it may be them, especially if they're under pressure to find a clean spot!. Fox poo is really quite chemically pungent, often greyish with bone fragments. Hedgehog is much smaller, black and a bit shiny. What a subject!
However, try citrus smells, some lemon juice, it's quite effective when sprayed about.
2 Nov, 2013
Nannyann Never said how big though lol
2 Nov, 2013
I saw a cat Poo on my driveway the other day & one evening a fox Poo'd too, think they are seeing who can Poo the most as they keep doing it, I left some weeds that I pulled up and had left them on the drive, they Poo'd on that too LOL, dirty animals, will try what Hortum cret said :o))
I lift my drains and put it down there, like I do with my little dog Messy's :o)
2 Nov, 2013
Unfortunately many cats do not bury it and if its a bit dog-like it may be a cat.
Fox droppings often end with a sort of a thin tail
Hedgehogs are normally small and black
I get all of them. I don't mind the little hedgehog ones ; in fact its quite nice to know we still have hedgehogs but sometimes find it difficult to decide with the others between cat and fox.
And I think that this is a gardening problem. If you didn't have a garden you would not be asking !!!
2 Nov, 2013
Photograph the poo and send the pic to Ispot on the internet. They have experts on just about everything wild and will soon tell you. I had a friend who worked for a Wildlife Trust who once did an exam on identifying poo!
2 Nov, 2013
I have trouble with a cat which poos on my front lawn. It NEVER buries or covers it.
2 Nov, 2013
If it turns out to be hedgehogs, please try not to mind! Hedgehogs are under threat and if they took up residence in my garden I'd be delighted and clear up cheerfully! Foxes and cats though.....well that's different!
3 Nov, 2013
Many thanks to all who replied to my question I will try some of your suggestion but sorry Ken Bonser not yours
3 Nov, 2013
Send a pic on here, I and a few others can identify, I'm sure. I've collected all sorts of poo, otter, water vole, dormouse, for Wildlife Trust research/info. Cat's the worst, in my opinion. (When weeding, beware the stone that squashes!)
3 Nov, 2013
Couldn't agree more, Hortum. It never dries out, does it?!
3 Nov, 2013
Read somewhere that its the top cat in the area that doesn't bury its poo. Not that that helps you much...
3 Nov, 2013
Nothing but the best, then!
4 Nov, 2013
If you like that sort of thing...
6 Nov, 2013
Not really, lol!
6 Nov, 2013
Previous question
It cant be cats (and I am not defending the moggy) - because they alway bury there end product (filthy beasts)- so it could be foxes -- Best thing to do is wait watch and shoot them -- sorry animal lovers but life is cruel
2 Nov, 2013