By Poppylinda
United Kingdom
What could be eating my Heucheras cant see anything but they have a lot of holes?
10 Nov, 2013
I go with slugs and snails , and you may have a caterpillar lurking as well , have a look through usually very bright green at this time of year near the base of the plant when its light .
10 Nov, 2013
Thanks, will have to keep looking, never find anything.
10 Nov, 2013
Check the underside of the leaves for symptoms of rust - that sometimes causes holes to appear. Vine weevil's the most obvious candidate, but depends on the holes - if they're rounded and peppered throughout the leaf, not vine weevil, if they're nibbled raggedly at the edges particularly, vine weevil.
11 Nov, 2013
Holes in centres Bamboo.......the PLANTAGOGO lady that specialises in heucheras and heucherellas came to our gardening club last week,she says it's a caterpillar that disguises itself to the colour of the plant it's eating and VERY difficult to spot,still havn't seen any, looks like a spray job!!!
16 Nov, 2013
Blimey, that's all we need, a chameleon like caterpillar!
18 Nov, 2013
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« I have 2 hardy perrinial fuchias will they with stand Gloucester area winter
could be most likely caused by slugs or snails. But the vine weevil like the plant to- but mainly the roots - Ken
10 Nov, 2013