By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Lavender Hidcote. Have been given 6 medium plug plants yesterday and wondered whether to plant out now or put them in cool utility during winter and plant out in spring? (Where I intend to plant them is not sheltered and can get battered by wind and rain) Advice and suggestions greatly appreciated.
24 Nov, 2013
I wouldn't plant out in to open soil, especially with you mentioning it gets battered by wind and rain and being only small ie medium plugs and winter has only just started.
I would suggest pot them on ? but I think its to late to do this as well as they wont grow and just be sitting in soil WHICH THEY WONT LIKE .
Cool utility sounds ok a greenhouse or cloche would of been ideal but as long as they get plenty of light but keep them cool and DONT over water them just moist .
Are they in a net or little pot ? , if yes best to keep them all in a seed tray altogether and plant out late spring , but put out in the garden each day for a week or two but bring in the evening this will help them adjust to the outside conditions before you plant them.
I grow Hidcote and yes it is very hardy once established but not as small plants you will end up losing some if not all. Its only November and we don't know what the weather will throw at us
24 Nov, 2013
Thanks Gg. I don't think they would do particularly well out in the winter here in North Shropshire. Silly question but do they go into a kind of sleep mode over winter and stay the same size? They are in small individual plastic pots so should I keep them in those over winter?
24 Nov, 2013
Hortum cret - thanks for your advice and have planted some out earlier so will be keeping an eye on them.
24 Nov, 2013
i got some about 2 years ago at the beginning of November and i planted them straight out, all four survived and have gotten bigger and stronger each year but im further south so may not be as cold. I also got the white variety and that did okay only one died.
25 Nov, 2013
I knew a mixed bag of answers on this one , yes leave in the pots , yes a sleep mode is a good way of describing.
Most plants have just stopped but if daffodil snowdrops etc they are doing the opposite
25 Nov, 2013
I would plant them out. Best thing for them is poor soil and very good drainage. Those criteria satisfied they'll survive the cold, even that small. Don't add anything to the soil, except perhaps some stones!
24 Nov, 2013