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T candle greenhouse heating

Bridgend, United Kingdom

Hello fellow gardeners

I've thought about heating my greenhouse but put off by the cost of paraffin/petrol and the smell.

Has anyone tried the t candle way?

Pros and cons if you have!

The Mrs uses them when having a bath but that's as much as I know about them.

Hope the link works



Well, I'm going to give it a go tomorrow and watch the thermometer.

Would be great if it does work.

Perhaps its more about how many candles burning at the same time.

I'm going to try 4

4 Dec, 2013


Good for you Spot, I look forward to seeing your results. don't forget to keep us informed

4 Dec, 2013


Would citronella tealights also help keep critters out of the greenhouse?

4 Dec, 2013


Well it would certainly make the T light manufacturers very happy if gardeners started buying them by the wagon load, personally I will carry on using my propane gas greenhouse heater, specifically designed to heat a greenhouse to whatever temperature I want it to be, controlled by the thermostat, and not by the vagaries of how many dozen candles I would need to lift the inside temp to what I require, as compared to the outside temp, differing numbers every night, no thank you, I'll just set it and forget it, Derek.

4 Dec, 2013


There was a recent post by someone about this using plant pots. Go to:

4 Dec, 2013


Personally I think this is a old wives tale… Just can't see tea lights giving out enough heat!

4 Dec, 2013


Have just tried this idea out and the flower pot was too hot to handle with just two candles inside.I use a thermostaticly controlled oil filled mini radiator through the winter but this idea will certainly mean the radiator will cut in later.Still havnt found 8hr T lights at a reasonable price. My only worry is the fire risk but if all is mounted on a big metal tray, no problems.

5 Dec, 2013


Sorry Snoop but my plant pot is acting the same as any radiator, it radiates heat.My little greenhouse 6x5 , highly insulated, runs at 8-10 degrees with the mini heater which has about the same radiating surface as my plantpot. Only set it up this week but will see and report back after this coming cold weekend. I will probably totally agree !!!!!!!!!
Give it a try Spottredray1, nothing to lose.

5 Dec, 2013



As an update to this I certainly think there might be something in it.

Problem is I can only find one terracotta pot rather than the two or even three bolted together that they seem to use. This method seems to be big in the green movement.

I'll keep trying. My initial thought is that the method will keep my 8*12 polycarb greenhouse frost free rather than warm.

On a related note I do have one of those green parasene paraffin heaters with a double wick.

Can someone give an idea of running costs? I live in a south wales seaside town so not too cold. The last time I bought paraffin was for a tilley lamp, lol.

5 Dec, 2013


if this is meant to be a green option where do they think the candle wax comes from? its a form of paraffin so just as green/non green as a normal paraffin heater. don't forget that they will also generate carbon dioxide and need oxygen to burn cleanly.

wonder how many I'd need for a 20x8ft one????

and as my OH said a few years ago 'how much do the plants you are trying to over winter cost? if its more than the cost of the fuel forget it I'll replace the plants for you!'

5 Dec, 2013


Agree SBG!

5 Dec, 2013


A double parasene paraffin heater holds 4.5 litres and will last for 3 1/2 days.

The cost of 4.5 litres of paraffin/kerosene is about £7, so the running cost would be £2 per day.

6 Dec, 2013


Thanks for that Myron.

On the tilley lamp thing we used a meths burner to pre-heat before turning on.

Is it the same on these greenhouse paraffin heaters? I imagine it would have to be.

Beach fishing these days we tend to use coleman unleaded petrol lamps or cap lamps.

I was given the paraffin heater and have never used it.

6 Dec, 2013


No, as far as I'm aware they're not a pressure lamp so don't need to be preheated. Just light the wick/s as you would a candle.

6 Dec, 2013

How do I say thanks?

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