By Robb1
United Kingdom
any suggestions for a plant to grow 9 ft for screening and preferably in a pot?
8 Mar, 2010
try photinia an plenty manure regular -it will grow to 12ft just to escape hte smell!!!
8 Mar, 2010
Previous question
Difficult in a pot, even a very large one - something like a Fatsia, for instance, which gets 12feet or more in the garden, you'd be lucky to achieve five feet, so in a 2 feet deep pot, that's a maximum height of 7 feet, or more likely to be 5 or 6 at the outside. Large plants can't create a large enough root system to get that tall in pots. You could try bamboo in a large pot, something like Phyllostachys nigrescens, which normally gets 12 feet in the ground - in a deep pot, it might make 8 feet, possibly (fingers crossed) 9 feet.
8 Mar, 2010