By Webb
United Kingdom
Where can I buy Corydalis Lutea as a plant, not as seed in or near Bristol, England?
11 Mar, 2010
Is this the one that grows in cracks in walls? An attractive plant but I suspect that it could be an invasive thug.
11 Mar, 2010
I think you'll have to find a friend or neighbour who has it, and 'beg' for a piece. I love this plant, and I did that, so I have one plant. It isn't a thug in my garden - it's very well behaved.
11 Mar, 2010
I begged one and I had a terrible job getting it to establish. it s not well behaved at all. pretty but seeds all over.
11 Mar, 2010
I received mine the way many probably did - it turned up, presumably self-seeding from another garden nearby. It grows like a weed but is pretty and often seems to seed in inhospitable places like at the base of shrubs, so I allow it to stay and edit out some of the unwanted extras.
12 Mar, 2010
As everyone says this plant behaves differently. It is pretty with delicate foliage but ,in my garden, it pops up here there and everywhere. Friends have taken bits away. So far none have got it going in their patch. It has a will of its own! Keep looking, as I am sure I have seen it in one or two places selling plants informally....I recoil when I see it!
12 Mar, 2010
You're right, Dorjac, plants grow where they want - I can't get orange hawkweed to grow here in London, but its rife down in Devon.
12 Mar, 2010
Previous question
I'm not sure garden centres sell it, unless there's a hybrid version, which there probably is - that'd be my first port of call. What a pity, I'm forever pulling the damn stuff up here in London, pops up everywhere.
11 Mar, 2010