United Kingdom
why are roses good for the garden?
11 Mar, 2010
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climbing roses
Definitely not, horrible disease ridden, pest filled, thorny monstrosities!
11 Mar, 2010
You must have shocked a few people with that statement, Owdboggy LOL. I am not a rose fancier either and don't see why they would be 'good' for the garden. Maybe the ash from them is particularly beneficial?
11 Mar, 2010
Another 'exam' question?
11 Mar, 2010
If it is an exam question, perhaps Guest would let us know the answer - I can't imagine what it might be... And just to confirm, I feel exactly the same as Owdboggy in this regard, lol
11 Mar, 2010
Roses are good for the garden because....errr...they look pretty and errr...they flower for a long time if you get the right ones, and errr...you can get climbers as well as shrubs, so they're versatile and errr...they often have a scent.
That's not really answering the question, though! I'm struggling here. LOL.
11 Mar, 2010
Apart from a few that have special family memories I dont think they have an benefit either. alot of hard work for such a short flowering period. will I be burned at the stake for heresey?
11 Mar, 2010
Not in my book, I don't think they're worth the trouble personally, you get three cheers from me Seaburngirl, lol
11 Mar, 2010
thanks for the stay of excecution Bamboo.
11 Mar, 2010
This has become an interesting topic. I thought it was only me and Mg on GoY who didn't particulary like roses. So, we are not alone!
Where are the burning thunderbolts!!!!
11 Mar, 2010
Sorry I was facetious - it's just rather a strange question!
11 Mar, 2010
yes but you have a beautiful garden that just lends itself to lovely roses spritz.
mine isnt like that at all.
11 Mar, 2010
Thanks, Eileen - but it's STILL a strange question!
11 Mar, 2010
Agreed it is and roses are a lot of work for a very short flowering season. They used to have them growing in all the beds on the duel carriageways in Aberdeen. For 95% of the year they looked a right mess. Eventually they got rid of them and planted shrubs that give all year round colour.
12 Mar, 2010
ooh - plant the right ones - i put in a hedge of 'Penelope' and get flowers in abundance may to july, then there are still quite a few, with another flush in autumn, there are even a few odd ones in winter - the smell and colour is divine! (but i am in warm devon!) Also ramblers - they might only flower for a month or two - but you can't beat them for impact - i have a 'Leo's Eye' that is the strangest salmon colour - it just dominates the garden in may/june, then disappears into the background - unless you catch yourself on its nasty thorns..... i reckon you either love em or hate em - like marmite!
12 Mar, 2010
Eeugh, sorry, no good, too many years of being battered, scratched, bruised and torn and poisoned by the amount of chemicals required for the damned things...
12 Mar, 2010
Well I'm in the 'hate them' camp - sorry! To much care and attention required.
12 Mar, 2010
Why apologise? We all like different things!
12 Mar, 2010
You are right Spritz and if we all had the same plants in our garden the world would be a seriously poorer place!
12 Mar, 2010
I didn't reall think that roses were too special although they are nice. Then I find myslef buying a load, one of nearly every colour.
I bought all of them this year.
I now have:
1 white patio rose (might be dead)
1 red patio rose
1 white fragrance rose
1 pink frangrance rose
1 yellow/ orange celebration rose
1 yellow climbing rose
1 purple climbing rose
I think I like roses.
Please let me know how your roses get on. If you like I can also let you know how mine go.
2 May, 2010
There you go Spritz... another rose lover lol!
2 May, 2010
lol, I knew that roses were nice, then got sucked in, and now quite like them.
I didn't think I would bother growing one let alone 7 of them.
2 May, 2010
I do love them, yes, and I'd like more space to grow a few more, MG!!! :-)))
2 May, 2010
There are a few roses that flower profusely and are certainly no more work than other plants.
I have one in my garden
this one :-
that flowers heavily and solidly from from late May to late July and then in smaller amounts and almost constantly until late November.
The scent of some roses is sublime and imo beats any other plant.
9 Dec, 2010
There is nothing like sticking your face into a fragrant rose and inhaling. It will send you, I promise. I now have 2 in my garden. No idea what type or name very bushy and highly scented. Never much thought about growing them until I smelled one at the Flea Market. I had to have it as it was also a small investment. 1gallon pot for 10 bucks. Never looked back!
12 Jan, 2013
Ah well Clavan each to his own... still wont give them garden room I prefer the scent of a Daphne any day of the week!
12 Jan, 2013
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First I've heard - no idea,not sure they are particularly.
11 Mar, 2010