By Jimbob1975
United Kingdom
I have recently constructed raised flower beds around the perimeter of my garden these are 450mm in depth. I’m now at the point where these require filling with a suitable top soil. As I am no expert by any means I’m not quite sure of what type and if these would be better being part filled with one type and top of with another. At this stage I’m not quite sure what I will be planting in these and I presume that might make a difference. Can anyone please advise me of a suitable type(s)?

18 Dec, 2013
Thanks Cammonmile. I have no spare soil within my garden so will have to purchase this, however when I browse the internet for common garden soil I seem to end up with all the different types of top soil. As this is my first time in preparing a garden I don't have the knowledge to make a decision if there would be an advantage to buying an enriched top soil as the price seems to be similar what ever topsoil I use. Is common garden soil the same as topsoil?
18 Dec, 2013
Jimbob, please check your Private Messages.
18 Dec, 2013
Now now....nothing like that!
18 Dec, 2013
Always worth looking on Ebay - there's always lots of free topsoil on there and you may be lucky and find some locally.
18 Dec, 2013
Thanks for the replies everyone I'm piecing together the information.
19 Dec, 2013
I certainly will have allot on over the Christmas period Sarahm. I've got a little lighting project I'm working on within the raised flower beds. Hopefully I will have some photo's after Christmas if all goes to plan!
20 Dec, 2013
I have made the decision to fill 50% (bottom half) with unscreened topsoil which I will also mix in an amount of compost purchased from my local recycling centre. I will also keep an eye on the stone content and if there is insufficient I will add a small amount of large gravel. The top I will fill with multi-purpose topsoil which has the following description:
“We use loamy topsoil as a base which we sift down to between 10 and 15mm which leaves us with friable topsoil, rich in organic matter that retains a small amount of grit (all naturally occurring) to improve the drainage properties – no-one wants a water-logged lawn!
We then mix it with our exclusive Pro-Drain Organic Soil Improver™. This boosts the longevity of the topsoil, helps promote root growth and most importantly, provides a free-draining topsoil that most plants, turf, veggies, trees will love”
Both topsoil’s I will be purchasing from Dandys topsoil on-line which looks like a reputable supplier so hopefully they will supply quality which will have no weed content and the unscreened topsoil no chemical content.
Considering just over a week ago I had no idea I think the above has a mixture of the comments I received from several people and the personnel message from Steragram.
Thanks everyone!
24 Dec, 2013
Just watch the recycled compost. I found it had bits of plastic in it when I bought some. Also i have a green bin that goes to the recycling centre and I only put things in it which I wouldn't add to the compost bin, i.e. rose leaves with black spot and blighted potatoes/tomatoes so that's going to be in the soil too, unless its heat treated (which didn't work on the plastic)!
24 Dec, 2013
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« I have recently constructed raised flower beds around the perimeter of my garden...
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I've got 3 large long planters in my garden which I filled with common or garden soil. One is planted with herbs, one is used for tomatoes or climbing plants in the summer and the third has a big Camelia and two large fuschias which have been there for about five years. I give all tubs an occasional feed when I remember but nothing else.
18 Dec, 2013