Non Flowering Clematis
By Kimmie78
United Kingdom
We have had a clematis in our garden for nearly 20 years. For the last couple of years it has not produced any flowers, although it still grown lovely and green. My dad now wants to dig it up. Is there anything i can do to encourage it to flower next year and thus save its life, or, is it 'past it'?
16 Jun, 2008
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clematis plants
Clematis are freedy plants and like a feed every month or so during the growing season. Water it on.
16 Jun, 2008
I found my clematis woudnt flower because the soil was very free draining,so either move it or water well.I moved mine to better soil and that year it flowered.
24 Jun, 2008
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It could be that it is not getting the nutrition that it needs from the soil and by using a good fertilizer in the spring it will hopefully promote the flower growth.
16 Jun, 2008