By Pammie
United Kingdom
We went to my mums today 90 yr old ,went down her garden and was supprised to see 2 very large holes on the side of her shed leading underneath it. [1 near the front the other further to the back, on the side ]
We are wondering if it could be foxes? Too big for rats. I must get onto the Council to send someone to its concerning mum
21 Mar, 2010
Possible I suppose. The other options could be Rabbits. If there is woodland nearby, it could even be Badgers. Check for any signs of droppings. These can give a positive id. If wet weather, you may find footprints too.
21 Mar, 2010
21 Mar, 2010
hi fractal-- I found that the snow was fantastic for tracking, out on the ice of a large pond were lots of rabbit tracks and foxy crossing one side to the other with a ' disturbance 'in the middle that probably accounted for one of the little perrishers!
21 Mar, 2010
Hi Pam. Yes it can be very interesting and a story left behind from their actions too!. Similar thing at work where we were able to follow the devastation (ring barking) of the fruit trees in the plant area caused by Rabbits. They are perishers, though perhaps not the exact words I used!!!
21 Mar, 2010
Pammie council will not do anything unless it is rats or a fox which is unlikely. Rabbits sound far more like the culprits.
21 Mar, 2010
Hopefully someone is coming out to look at the holes........said could be Foxe or even Badgers [ of which has been mentioned in my replys and we hadnt thought of ]
The council didnt want to know but put me onto some one who is interested in it AND actually listened.
Will let you all know of the findings
22 Mar, 2010
how about rabbits-- the burrows can be big but you'd see evidence such as droppings, foxes i think you can sometimes smell -- sort of a musky smell, not sure how to identify a badgers sett
21 Mar, 2010