By Forevermummy
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have a 3 ft single bricked garden wall and need to add something for privacy. Any non-expensive options?
Asked from the GoYpedia
screening / privacy ideas page

22 Mar, 2010
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screening / privacy ideas
front garden ideas
I'd plant some colourful shrubs there, Eleagnus, Grisellinia, Photinia maybe, the first two would give yellow/green or cream/green coloured foliage - this can give a nice colourful 'lift' to an area whilst giving you screening and privacy at the same time.
Buying fairly mature plants will do the job you want quicker than buying tiny plants.
22 Mar, 2010
a nice row of pyracantha would be nice there, evergreen, flowers in the spring and berries in the winter, what more could you ask for.
PS, hornbeam does not retain its leaves in winter, it deciduous..
22 Mar, 2010
You could put a 6ft./ 3ft. panel on posts between the pillars with a small piece of trellis on top of the pillars between the panels to stop them being blown over by the wind. It will also break up the noise from the road. Cost approx per panel, post and trellis £15. Any climbing plants can be grown on wires across the panels.
22 Mar, 2010
or similer to bob as you mite have rules on hights of fence/walls etc just a trellis and as doc sais grow some climbers with maybe the odd shrub in front .
22 Mar, 2010
I'd go for the trellis option as described by Docbob, with climbers that don't get too dense - assuming that's a front garden, police safety advice is not to have tall shrubs so there's nowhere for intruders to hide.
22 Mar, 2010
great minds think alike bamboo lol
22 Mar, 2010
Oh yea, so they do Noseypotter, lol
22 Mar, 2010
Thanks to everyone who answered my question. We have just got rid of a huge laurel tree that was wicked with wasps where I park my car. We feel really exposed now as our patio is high up. I'll go for the post and trellis option and then deck that corner ready for the one day of summer!
22 Mar, 2010
I dont know how long your front garden is but a tree half way between the house and the parameter may well block out more when looking to and from the house than something planted on the boundary. Its to do with prospective? Just a thought!
23 Mar, 2010
your welcome.
23 Mar, 2010
Just to clear up the hornbeam issue. Yes it is a decidious hedge. However, like Beech it keeps its brown leaves throughout the winter until the new leaves grow in spring. It is a native British plant and easy to prune/grow. It is cheap as you can buy it as 'sticks' from a garden centre or on-line at certain times of year. I paid less than 50p a stick and now have a large hedge. The stick smethod also mean it is easy to plant up. It is a good hedge for small birds as they can perch within it unlike closer knit hedges.
However your garden edge looks fairly small. You would need to make sure you prune and train any hedge early on to make sure it doesn't become a nuisance to you.
If you decide on a shrub then my favourite would be Choisya.. evergreen, heavily scented flowers in spring, no pruning required and grows nicely domed with an attractive oriental leaf shape if you wanted to go for gravel underneath. It can't stand direct strong cold winds though and you don't say what direction your house faces.
22 Mar, 2011
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hornbeam grows quickly, and can be pleached it also keeps its leaves in winter,, will need an annual trim tho but not as invasive as a conifer . whips can be bought online try
22 Mar, 2010