By Mcfc14
United Kingdom
can an acer tree be repotted now?
22 Mar, 2010
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acer trees
It currently is in a large pot, but I want to re-plant into the garden - does it like full sun, part shade or are they quite hardy?
22 Mar, 2010
Hates cold winds, and midday sun in high summer. It's a woodland plant, so prefers dappled shade and well drained but moist soil that isn't alkaline (chalky). Plant it where you know it's sheltered from harsh winds and will be shaded (perhaps by other plants) from fierce sun in the middle of the day in summer.
22 Mar, 2010
I agree with Bamboo, though ours do not all have shade in middle of day.
23 Mar, 2010
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Yes but do it soon as the sap will be rising.
22 Mar, 2010