United Kingdom
I want to grow anemones - Am I too late (now mid-March) to plant Anemone de Caen and Windflower bulbs? If so, is it too late for seeds?
22 Mar, 2010
I planted three anemone nemerosa earlier today!
22 Mar, 2010
Well, there you go - maybe the corms can't read, Andrew!
22 Mar, 2010
Or perhaps I can't!!
22 Mar, 2010
I planted my anemone De caen at the weekend.
23 Mar, 2010
Spritz, on the A de Caen i bought last week the label did call 'them' Windflowers !
Like you i only referred to them as the autumn flowering ones.
23 Mar, 2010
Yes Louise, I bought anemone blanda plant couple of weeks ago and that's also called windflower on the label?, so if thats the variety you mean Patrick you can buy plants in flower at garden centres now.
23 Mar, 2010
Doesn't this just show why the latin name of a plant is vital? Then we all know which plants we're talking about!
23 Mar, 2010
I agree, a clear cut example !
23 Mar, 2010
23 Mar, 2010
No - Anemone de Caen can be planted as corms now, and should flower in late summer.
I think you mean A. nemorosa by 'Windflower', and that needs to be planted in September.
I'm afraid I've never tried them from seeds, so I can't answer that.
22 Mar, 2010