Please can someone help me name this plant?
By Rebecca
United Kingdom
seems to be growing next to the hedge and no where before i can't tell whether this is a weed or not.
On plant

18 Jun, 2008
Looks like a Baby Buddlia 2me? But dont take my word on it
18 Jun, 2008
My buddlea leaves are more spaced out than this, and my plants look leggier. Also the leaves are a bit velvety. The flowers would decide it, but a small plant may not flower yet, My new small buddlea do not have buds yet while my old ones are getting close to flowering. I'm not convinced it's buddlea.
18 Jun, 2008
I think it might be Buddleia globosa , which is a very strong species with orange flowers in May/June, so let a few shoots keep growing , cant really tell till flowering time next year., if it is a Buddleia.
30 Jul, 2008
Previous question
« This shrub/plant is everywhere in my front garden and i don't know if it is a...
I must say I have a weed in my garden that looks like this! Any flowers?? Someone else may be more concrete about it for you.
18 Jun, 2008