By 1198
Ionia County Michigan,
United States
I saw this lovely bush on the Photos pages. I live in Michigan USA, zone 5. Would like to know if it will tolerate any shade and if this is a plant that can only be found across the pond?
18 Jun, 2008
Thank you Celandine, I also heard from the fellow who published the picture. I'll have to do some looking around to determine how our zones may differ from yours. Thanks again.
18 Jun, 2008
Common Name: Lily of the valley bush
Best in acid or neutral soils, Pieris are essential spring border shrubs. Elsewhere, they will grow exceptionally well in containers of lime-free, ericaceous compost. They are mountain forest plants, originally from the Far East, and appreciate a little shade to prevent scorching to the new shoots, and some shelter from late spring frosts, which cause similar damage.
18 Jun, 2008
I have a gardening encyclopedia which says that Pieris Japonica is hardy for zones 4-9 in USA. I was surprised because I've always thought of this shrub as a bit on the tender side. My book is published in USA so I would have thought you can get it over there.
18 Jun, 2008
I moved mine from the front of the house to a very shaded spot at the back where they get hardly any sun. They do much better here- at the front they got morning sun which they didn't appear to like.
18 Jun, 2008
I have had two Pieris growing in north wall shade for about 4 years now and both are doing fine. I give them a decent dose of ericaceous compost in mid winter and on they go. They do get a touch of sun in the early morning. When there is any sun to be had here that is! West Midlands U.K. Go for it 1198, they're a good all year round shrub.
18 Jun, 2008
It will certainly tolerate shade. I have one growing about a metre and a half from a north facing house wall and it gets a lot of shade. Don't know anything about the zones in USA though. You need to tell us Brits about them please!
18 Jun, 2008