Can you try to identify this plant please
By Blackgrass
United Kingdom
I rescued this plant some years ago from a ex-plant warehouse. It was marked as a banana...but sure its not..its never flowered & leaves grow of varying sizes...any ideas? I`ve been trying to find out for I know its best conditions, as occasionally its leaves go yellow & droop, which I remove.

18 Jun, 2008
looks like Elephant Ear - common name. Tropical, likes shade, likes to be crowded in with other tropicals for humidity. Yours is in a pot - each time you enlarge the pot the top will grow much larger. Leaf size is by age - small = younger, large = older leaf. Older leaves naturally grow yellow and drop - it is OK to cut off yellow leaves. Some flower, but many do not.
18 Jun, 2008
try googling Colocasia...
20 Jun, 2008
What ever it is it looks healthy - but nothing like the Banana leaves I know
18 Jun, 2008