which Pulmonaria?
By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
which Pumonaria?
This was in the garden when we moved here. Any idea which one?

26 Mar, 2010
Nope no idea
26 Mar, 2010
may be Lewis Palmer. by the way: at a local market they called it soldiers and sailors when I asked why it was because of the red coats of soldiers and blue coats of sailors - how true? don't know! it's other not so nice name is lungwort, however, it is a very pretty early flower whatever you call it :o)
26 Mar, 2010
Following Neelan's line of thought it could be called 'Culloden'. Red Coats and Jacobites?
27 Mar, 2010
yes I was after a variety name. I will just have to be content. I am sure many cultivars get re-named when they are all one and the same.
27 Mar, 2010
"Lewis Palmer" is the one illustrated in the RHS plant guide :o)
27 Mar, 2010
I think that is probably the one Neellan as this is an old variety.
thanks for the suggestions.
29 Mar, 2010
Your welcome - lovely aren't they
29 Mar, 2010
Well, it is Pulmonaria officinalis but if you want a cultivar name as well, Seaburngirl, pass!
26 Mar, 2010