United Kingdom
my pyracantha is not doing well it is losing its foliage and looking tierd
27 Mar, 2010
Assuming that there is nothing drastically wrong (more info would be good of course) with the plant you could just feed with a slow release fertiliser and do the following operation.
It may be due for renovation and can be done any time now. This can be used as a good excuse to do any major re-shaping too. Cut hard back all over to stems up to the thickness of a marker pen. It will re-shoot well from this. Apply a general slow release feed around the base such as Vitax Q4 or similar.
27 Mar, 2010
Watch out for bird nests tho ;-)
27 Mar, 2010
Good point Sid.
27 Mar, 2010
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Think we could do with more info please....aspect, conditions, is it a recent thing it's not looking well? A photo would be extremely helpful.
27 Mar, 2010