Ideas for interesting/colourful shrubs
By Kornos
United Kingdom
Can anyone suggest a few shrubs to fill some spaces at the back of the side borders against the fence please. Colourful, flowering scented and quick and easy to grow!
Variegated evergreens? Is that asking too much! Any suggestions would be very welcome. Thankyou.
20 Jun, 2008
If it's a shady area, there are Euonymus fortunei varieties such as 'Emerald 'n' Gold' or 'Silver Queen' These can actually be trained to scramble up a fence. Alexandre is right - we need a bit more information about the site, space available and not forgetting the type of soil you have. Is it acid or alkaline? A photo would be very helpful.
20 Jun, 2008
Buddlea fulfil all your points except for variagated leaves. They have scented flowers, the butterflies love them and they keep some leaves in the winter and they are very easy to grow and they are the fastest growing shrub in my garden. I know some folk don't like them because in certain conditions thay are too vigorous.
20 Jun, 2008
Just had another thought - Hebe! You can get taller - growing varieties like 'Great Orme' which have a long flowering period and they are evergreen. Good for bees and butterflies like Buddleja, too!
21 Jun, 2008
You must forget the everygreens because it are not vigorous and this trees need 3,4 years after the plantation for starting their vegetation ,this trees growth
And we have to know if it'is sunny place or not a foto will be welcome
sorry for my pour english
20 Jun, 2008