By Piplyn
South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
i have a patch of garden where it gets really boggy in the winter and not so good even after a spell of warm weather i was thinking of planting a willow tree .would this solve my problem.
- 31 Mar, 2010
Lordie, I'm sitting here trying to work out what 20 m is in feet....! I'm stuck in the past so I'll say not within 45 feet of a house foundations as a minimum, and that includes the coloured bark type salix, even though they're kept stooled.
31 Mar, 2010
If you can't plant a willow you could create a wetland garden in the boggy area.
31 Mar, 2010
You and me both Bamboo im going to have to mesure with my feet i know for definate its not that long although when i mow it it sure feels like it. so ill find out in my feet and pace my garden .
31 Mar, 2010
would also look nice planted with Assorted cornus, they dont mind the damp at all.
31 Mar, 2010
31 Mar, 2010
Sorry, 10m = 11 yards (33 feet) and 20m = 65 feet (give or take) or as I tend to work, 51/2 and 11 fence panels respectively while 45 feet would be 7 1/2 panels each 6ft long
31 Mar, 2010
Must be my brain - as soon as I see a lot of numbers, my mind just sort of slides over them... thanks for taking the time though, Rogerbee;-))
1 Apr, 2010
Bamboo you and me both I ve just had to ask my daughter what .25 of a metre is in inches!!!! she said she only knows centimetres!!!
1 Apr, 2010
It's just under 10 inches, Great - thank heavens for my trusty metal tape measure...
1 Apr, 2010
Four inches is 10 cm and .25m is about a quarter of a yard, nine inches. So, as long as you are not being too precise, Great, 9 or 10 inches will do. And if this is for your early potatoes I would go for the 9 inch end of the scale.
1 Apr, 2010
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Willow trees (salix) have far reaching roots so generally shouldn't be planted within about 10m of a building, or 20m if you are on clay - If your garden's big enough to accomodate that sort of spacing I see no reason why not.
31 Mar, 2010