By Scotkat
Where can you get step over Apple trees in Scotland?
14 Jan, 2014
Thank you Derek shall check them out.
14 Jan, 2014
I'm sure I saw these in New Hopetoun GC. They don't do mail order though Kath.
14 Jan, 2014
What are step over apple trees??
15 Jan, 2014
yes feverfew i would like to know that too
15 Jan, 2014
From the RHS site ..
As gardens get smaller, planting apples trained as stepovers is one of the best and most attractive space-saving ways to grow fruit. As the name suggests, the stepover is a low-growing, horizontally-trained tree that can literally be 'stepped over'. Stepovers can be planted along an edge of a path or a bed, and make an excellent divider on an allotment or fruit garden.
The stepover apple (horizontal cordon) is a modified training method of the oblique cordon. It is best suited for spur-fruiting apple trees.
It is necessary to start training on very young trees. Choose a maiden whip that is supple and can be bent over. A maiden whip is a one-year-old tree with either no side branches or only sparsely branched. The main stem must not have been pruned to encourage branching.
Make sure that the selected cultivar is grafted onto a M27 rootstock. Although M9 and M26 rootstocks are suitable for conventional cordon training, they would be too vigorous for stepover training.
When selecting a cultivar, bear in mind that most apples are not self-pollinating and you may need to plant two different cultivars unless a suitable pollination tree is growing near by.
How to train stepover apple ...
Train a stepover in the following way;
Prepare a single tier support using robust posts, at least 60cm (2ft) long spacing them 1.5-2m (5-6½ft) apart. Fix to the posts a tightly-stretched horizontal wire suspended 45cm (18in) from the ground
In winter, plant the maiden whip next to the post and tie the tree to it. If more stepovers are planted in a row allow 1.5-2m (5-6½ft) between trees
In spring, start gradually and carefully bending the tree towards the horizontal wire. Tie the stem to the wire at several places to distribute the pressure and ensure it bends evenly
The gradual bending of the stem may take the whole growing season
In summer, shorten any laterals (side branches) that develop from the main stem to three leaves
Do not prune the leader until it reaches the desired length, then prune just above a bud
The subsequent summer and winter pruning is the same as for a single, oblique cordon
If the growth becomes more bushy and vigorous at the bent trunk end of the tree, an additional winter thinning may be necessary around that part.
Problems ...
Stepover apples suffer from the same pest and disease problems as more conventionally grown trees. These include codling moth, apple canker, apple scab, brown rot and powdery mildew.
15 Jan, 2014
I came across them on a garden I visited a few yrs ago and recently saw them on a garden programme gave me the idea of having them in my garden as only have space left for these.
15 Jan, 2014
Hi Kath, I don't know if they do step-overs, but I should imagine they do. {Glasgow} {perthshire} {peeblesshire}
Hope this helps Kath, Derek.
14 Jan, 2014