By Bendipa
United Kingdom
Planted out some bare-root roses last December. Some of these now have broken bud with some of the main stems prroducing 4 -5 laterals per stem, despite these having been pruned hard after planting. In these cases should I pinch out most of the buds perhaps limiting the number to 1 or 2 per main stem as I'm not sure the new plants can carry that number of laterals in the first year?
23 Jan, 2014
Hi, I would do as Seaburngirl suggests, and when you do decide to prune, first take out any inward pointing shoots, then any weak looking ones, try to aim for a bowl shape, with no branches in the middle, this allows air to pass through the plant more freely, helping to prevent disease, Derek.
23 Jan, 2014
I'd do nothing yet as the winter hasnt finished with us. severe cold spells may kill some of the buds anyway and if you have pruned back already you may get very little growth. wait until mid/late spring before you do any pruning then remove the weakest growth. a photo nearer the time would help us decide how many stems to take out ; if any.
23 Jan, 2014