The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Tyke_uk

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Just a quick question. If i get the biggest pot available at the garden centre would i be able to grow a wisteria in it ? I would like to put it on my decking to grow up some fencing ! Many thanks for any advice received.



wisteria need a lot of root space so it would be ok for a few years but then it would make poor growth as it will become pot/root bound.

22 Jan, 2014


Seaburn is right, but I did grow one in a pot (a white one) and although it is now in the ground it's still only about 5 - 6ft tall, so you could give it a go?! The only snag might be that when you water it, will the decking suffer?

22 Jan, 2014


Hi, I agree with the above, but I don't think the decking will suffer any more than it does when it gets rained on, Derek.

23 Jan, 2014


A new wistaria plant might take several years to flower so if you are after colour this year you might be better off choosing something else, say 2 or 3 clematis or a climbing rose.

23 Jan, 2014


Hi, if you buy 1 already flowering, and prune it properly, you should have no problems with not flowering, however they do cost an arm and a leg, but you do know that they are capable of flowering, if you get a cheap plant it could just be a rooted cutting, which could take up to 20 years to flower, at the very least, make sure that what you buy has been grafted, Derek.

24 Jan, 2014


I take your point about water, Derek, but we have decking and I don't put pots on it as they would almost certainly leave a mark after a while . . . it depends how pristine people want to keep it!

24 Jan, 2014


Hi Sheila, yes I see your point, but if you don't move the pots, you don't see the marks, lol, Derek.

24 Jan, 2014

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