By Scotsgran
Again Not a Gardening Question but I think it would be useful to have an events or Whats on category where we could post advice on events of mutual interest. Eg tonight two Scottish Goyers have intimated a Scottish Rock Garden show on Sat 11th April and an open day at SUNTRAP on 23rd May. Good opportunity for GOYers to meet. What do you all think.
4 Apr, 2010
I think that sounds like a good idea....
4 Apr, 2010
lol tug,, would love to go to that ,, i cant go to scotland either to far for me but i know what your saying scots gran, a great idea to have things up so we can see whats on,
4 Apr, 2010
The suggestion for a "What's On" "page is excellent, Scotsgran. You should use the "contact Us" tab at the bottom of the screen and suggest directly to Peter and Ajay. Have been aware of the SrGC shows for some time (have met Moongrower and Bulbaholic at the Gardening Scotland show). At present, looks like i won't get to any of the SRGC Spring shows, due to work commitments. :-((
Would work well for everyone, so, please, send directly as an idea? :-))
4 Apr, 2010
I thought I would see if there is any interest in the idea first because that is what will influence Peter and Ajay. They have recently made a few changes at the behest of members and since this has not been requested in the past ? maybe it will not work. We'll see. Sporadic announcements can be missed but maybe the idea will not appeal to members. I have visited the Scottish RGC site several times recently and it is seemingly broken unable to be fixed which is a shame.
4 Apr, 2010
GOY is world wide Tuqb maybe you will find some local Goyers through it. I would love to come to your event but will need to save up before spashing out on such an extravaganza. Thank youall for your comments
4 Apr, 2010
In spite of my joking around, Scotsgran, I think you have a great idea, too!
5 Apr, 2010
I would support your idea, Scotsgran.
5 Apr, 2010
I think this is a SUPER idea!! Also, if we are able to get this idea up and running, why don't we print ourselves a GOY paper badge to identify each other at any events?
5 Apr, 2010
Great idea Sprog. I have discovered I can click on the logo at top left and transfer it to Office Word can then be printed on paper or a stick on label. Write in your name or add your avatar and name and sprogs your uncle LOL
5 Apr, 2010
Oh well done Scotsgran.That comment allows me another hour playing with the Computer instead of doing 'proper' work!! I will have designs galore.
5 Apr, 2010
Any badge manufacturers out there?
5 Apr, 2010
I have made mine and will be wearing it on Saturday!
5 Apr, 2010
This is a grand idea - there just MIGHT be the odd event within 100 miles of me, lol.
5 Apr, 2010
I also think it is a good idea.
5 Apr, 2010
I am not so keen as the thought of having to sort through loads of whats on pages and even free advertising?
5 Apr, 2010
Most of these shows barely keep afloat. I know how much they cost to run. We had to do a lot of fundraising to keep our village show going so as long as they kept to name date and times, would that be a problem for you Drc726. I know the boys said they did not want lots of categories but if you could choose whether or not you wanted to see such intimations if that was feasible would that be alright? At the moment you have isolated announcements about Garden open days etc.which is almost impossible to keep up with since they are on individual members sites. Thank you for taking the time to have your say as it is good to hear cons as well as pro's for the idea. Maybe it could go in the A-Z list under Events since it could cover both open days and shows. I'm sure there are lots of things to think about which is why I felt the membership who may or may not agree with the idea should speak for themselves before I approached Peter and Ajay.
5 Apr, 2010
Well im helping out at a plant sale next month, but it will only be of use of those who live in Essex.
I dont think people would want to travel hundred's of miles to go to this sort of thing.
But yes it would be handy to those who live in the vicinity of the event
5 Apr, 2010
Feel free to publish your plant sale as there may be other GOYers in your vicinity who would support you
5 Apr, 2010
There are over 4,000 villages and over 1,000 towns in the UK, each of which has several shows per year. If just a fraction of these used this site would there be room/time for anything else? I thought this was a site for gardeners to discuss their gardens etc? I dont rely on this site to tell me where to go and if thats what it becomes, 'a glorified whats on' why bother to log on?
5 Apr, 2010
Drc726, I well understand what you are saying about the shear number of shows throughout the UK. I also agree with your point that this site is for Gardeners to discuss their gardens etc. I think you have very valid points. I am positive GOY is really appreciated by everyone looking to discuss their gardens and get some very good support from fellow gardeners' experience. Although I am a comparitively 'new' GOY Member, I am well aware of the good work you, yourself, put into this site. However, I think the desire to have 'Shows' or 'Events' mentioned is born from a wish to share our gardening passion with other like-minded GOY members in our areas. No-one envisaged this subject being anything other than a heading/title that could be clicked onto as a separate subject. It is no different to GOY Members adding an Open Garden or Garden to Visit. As we are all aware, in our Blogs and our Photos, a huge part of that content does NOT solely refer to our own gardens - I am thinking, here, of photos and comments from our towns, streets, public gardens, etc. I believe you have recently included such beautiful scenes yourself? No, I don't envisage the site becoming a "glorified whats on" any more than it would become a mere directory of Open Gardens or Gardens to Visit. I hope we have quelled your fears about Scotsgran's idea that started off this thread.
5 Apr, 2010
~ hi Sprog~It is a good idea to have the dates of the shows somewhere ! The RHS Cardiff show is 16th to 18th April and Malvern in May ~ both well worth going to for their Floral Pavilions with their display of plants to drool over whilst Malvern is a fantastic day out with everything to buy for a gardener from greenhouses to grow plants in to handmade cheese to keep you going whilst you are growing!
I think the RHS shows promote the fun side of gardening, whilst being both inspiring and a good day out to take your long suffering non gardening family members to! From the show gardens at Chelsea to the open gardens of our members~ these are things not to be missed~ as an appreciation of all the hard work is what makes it all worth while!
Also last Autumn's trip to Malvern with the Shire horses, floral displays and the food ensured my daughter and her dad would be happy to come back with me even though I spend hours looking at plants..
5 Apr, 2010
I have chosen to flag this to the boys as it may break community guidelines.
7 Apr, 2010
For those of you who live within travelling distance of Edinburgh, Suntrap garden open day is Sunday May 23rd 10.30 - 4.30. There are plant sales and refreshments.
Suntrap is at Gogar Bank off the A8 it is signposted from the new bank building on the corner. Its well worth a visit.
11 Apr, 2010
I can endorse that Cs. It is a lovely place with plenty of parking. I have had no word from the Boys so I take it we are not breaking any rules in asking opinions on the possibility of having a "Whats on" section. My friend and I went to the Scottish Rock Garden Club annual show and had a brilliant time. I met BB and Mgrower which added to our enjoyment. I would like to hear a few more opinions on the idea. Isolated members do announce their open days on this site but those are easy to miss. I am dissapointed that none of them have taken the time to voice an opinion but maybe they have not seen the question. I would have expected more interest in the subject both for and against. This is not controversial if we all feel free to say what we think of the idea or about someone elses idea. It has been a light hearted discussion so far and won't Tugbrethil get a shock if I turn up in Phoenix. LOL
13 Apr, 2010
I think that it is a good idea as it will keep all the 'diary dates' in one place.
Very nice to meet you, Sg, and a couple more people recognised the badge as well.
13 Apr, 2010
I hope you did manage to take some photos and will do a blog on the Show. Congratulations on your successful exhibits.
13 Apr, 2010
yes i agree as well did mention that on 1 of my blogs, wud b great
13 May, 2010
Gonna be hard for me to get to Scotland, Gran. Why don't you come to the annual Art in the Garden festival at one of the Phoenix nurseries, the 11th? : )
4 Apr, 2010