fertilizing helleborus
By Maygrows
United States
Can I add fertilizer to my helleborus in the middle of summer?
I live in Atlanta and they are not thriving as other plants I see in my neighborhood. Currently under a tree with shade, dappled light.
Thinking about sprinkling the slow release pebbles around the roots...
Kindly advise, May
22 Jun, 2008
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I don't really think that this is a very good idea as they might make lush growth at this time of year which is not the right time. They tend to rest now, normally, don't they. Wait until the autumn when they start their growth to feed them. I am only guessing from the UK as I do grow Hellebores here, but don't know your climate conditions. so I hope that this advice is OK. They are certainly in the right place as far as aspects go.
24 Jun, 2008