Hellebores in My Garden
By lincslass
I might not appreciate all the rain but my Hellebores are loving it…
29 Feb, 2020
Previous post: February in one very soggy garden...
Next post: Mad March 2020 !!!!! Its getting pretty in the garden though ....
W'rose well spotted, we had a good afternoon albeit a windy one but the storm clouds are back again now, the garden was standing in water when I got up this morning, I'm considering sowing some rice seed, lol....
29 Feb, 2020
Nice collection there Sue, I got some from gardening express a couple of weeks ago, expecting them to be in flower at this time of year, when they arrived, they had all been cut back, so all I got was 5 pots of stalks, I won't be buying from them again, but I have been able to find some locally, at a reasonable price,
My daughter was with me when I bought 2 from b&q, they had some at £6, and some slightly larger at £8, so naturally I picked up the !s at £6, so my daughter asked why I'd gone for the smaller size, I explained to her that the £6 1s would be the same size, or larger than the £8 1s by the time they flowered next year, so why pay more, Derek.
29 Feb, 2020
They've become so popular now Derek, consequently the prices are ridiculous, I've been hankering after one of the really dark ones but refuse to pay the asking price, some I've seen are anything from £12 - £18, I know from experience of the ones I already have that they change colours over the years, so I'm living in hope I might get a surprise one day, lol....
29 Feb, 2020
Beautiful colours you have there Lincslass. Always think that I would like a bank where I could plant these so that I would be looking up at them, rather than down. They are such beautiful flowers, such subtle shades. I hope your wishes come true and you get that important seedling.
29 Feb, 2020
Gorgeous collection of hellebores, Sue. I picked one up from Lidl in January and it was pricey even for them being the bargain supermarket! Sorry you had a dry wet garden the other morning, it’s very frustrating. Lots of driving wind and rain, then bright blue sky and sunshine..Im desperate to get my grass sorted, mown and edged!
1 Mar, 2020
Honey the first time I ever really noticed them was actually on a bank in Matlock, I did originally plant my first ones on the raised bed at the bottom of the garden, for years they did nothing except produce a few leaves so I moved them nearer to the house, they are in full sun (when it appears, lol,) however one was left down the bottom and it started producing flowers last year, its only taken about twelve years....
1 Mar, 2020
Kate I know that feeling, I daren't even attempt my lawns yet, I have a lot of renovating to do up near the fishpond and patio , the joys of a very wet 5mths and sharing with pets....
1 Mar, 2020
You have a lovely collection there Sue. I only have one deep purple one and a new small white one.
1 Mar, 2020
Lovely selection there, Lincslass.
1 Mar, 2020
Gorgeous. I keep meaning to photograph mine but the weather is so changeable.
1 Mar, 2020
You have some beauties Sue.
1 Mar, 2020
Hi Sue, yes I've seen those prices as well, ridiculous for something that reproduces, and hybridises so easily, Derek.
1 Mar, 2020
very pretty plants Sue. Prices are ridiculous I agree and as for gardening express Derek I hope you complained.
1 Mar, 2020
I'm sure they never used to be so expensive - but they are so irresistible they sell anyway. It doesn't seem many years since I saw (and bought of course...)my first double one - there are so many more varieties now. Yours are all lovely.
1 Mar, 2020
Hi Eileen, I thought about complaining, but decided it was more trouble than it was worth, I'll see them next year, {God willing}, Derek
2 Mar, 2020
Lovely Hellebores, Sue! :) I'd grow some on the balcony but as we get all the sun on offer from 11am till it sets I don't think they would be very happy. It is also VERY windy on the balcony & people often comment it seems windier here than in other parts of the town.
2 Mar, 2020
Your Hellebores are beautiful Sue :) Do they set seeds ?
3 Mar, 2020
super selection there, Sue.
3 Mar, 2020
What a pleasure to look at your Hellebores,Sue.you are so fortunate that you have so many in lovely colours..I don't seem to have much luck with these,although I do get some flowers,but nowhere near as many as you (and others) seem to have..Maybe I need to wait for 12 years for best results ! Lol x
3 Mar, 2020
I have tried for these but no luck as said in other comments the astronomical prices are out of my reach. So I'm having words with NASA.
4 Jun, 2020
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Lovely hellebores doing well! I did see some blue sky on a few photos too!
It is the wind that can be so damaging in the garden.
29 Feb, 2020