By Charlotte86
United Kingdom
where can i get some mini 3" pots
6 Apr, 2010
3" is an 8 cm diamter. I would have thought they would be available in most Garden Centres (I am assuming you mean plastic ones), but if you are having difficulty obtaining there are mail order sources. I recently bought plants from and they also supply 8 cm pots, but with postage fee of course.
6 Apr, 2010
Actually 3" is 7.6 mm to be precise. I've just converted checking with ruler for you.
6 Apr, 2010
Jonathan my daughter has just done the somes to. Sid was nearly right! lol I agree with sid go to either the 99p shop or poundstretcher. I got 50 coir pots in 99p shop last week
6 Apr, 2010
I meant sums
6 Apr, 2010
7 Apr, 2010
What's a few millimetres between friends? ;-)
7 Apr, 2010
Anywhere! 3" is the same as 9cm. I got 10 for £1 at Poundstretcher the other day! I also make use of yogurt pots.
6 Apr, 2010