By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
i grew sunflowers last year by putting the seed straight into the ground...the slugs had half of them, so this year i was thinking of starting them off in bio-degradable pots and putting the pot into the ground wen the plant has established as i read sunflowers dont like being transplanted. wht do u think?
9 Apr, 2010
I've just planted my sunflower seedlings. I start them off in toilet roll tubes filled with compost and once they are growing well I transplant to garden, tube and all. I also have hundreds of slugs and snails so I cut the bottom off the clear 2 litres plastic drinks bottles and use them as a cloche to protect the seedlings from being eaten.( also take the lid off.) I remove the bottle when the plant is too big for it and cross my fingers that it's big enough to withstand a bit of chewing..... and most years i keep the majority of my plants. Good Luck.
9 Apr, 2010
thanks...Il try tht one...Oh well! gives me and excuse to buy!
9 Apr, 2010
Cut the bottom of large drinks bottles and grow the seeds through this. Mine get eaten by slugs every year. Asked a question about this a while back myself
9 Apr, 2010
I've done exactly the same as Gaia01 for many years and had great success. Let's hear it for the inventors of the plastic bottle!
10 Apr, 2010
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I did just that last year and the little 'bugs of slugs' still ate every one and I planted at least twelve !
9 Apr, 2010