By Plantmaiden
United Kingdom
i fancy growing apple trees from do i grow the rootstock for them.i dont want to grow it from a seed but how else do you do it.
9 Apr, 2010
Tesco and certainly Morrisons have been selling fruit trees really cheap. I mean like £2.25 to £5.00. 1 - 1.6 meters tall, bare rooted. I bought about 8 maybe 10 of them. All sorts BUT some of them I only wanted for their root stock. Everything is growing and is coming into leaf or flower. Once established over the summer I can then graft what ever I want onto the root stock.Lots of people will give you cutting you can graft on, just for the postage cost,
Cheating really, but lets me play about for little money. I have grafted a few trees before and success even for an idiot like me is 40%.
10 Apr, 2010
thanks for that,i have bought trees for our orchard but thought i might have a go myself.wanted to start from scratch but may try the grafting bit first on a bought one.
10 Apr, 2010
Hi, for apple rootstock go to
17 Apr, 2010
thanks i will take a look
19 Apr, 2010
If you contact Frank P Matthews, they may be able to help. I have to say that grafting onto a rootstock is not for the beginner!
10 Apr, 2010