By Donnawdhs
United Kingdom
Hi all,
Id like to grow some shallots in a pot, Iv a huge round plastic pot but am unsure how much soil there should be in the pot when I put the bulbs in and how much soil to put on top of them.
Should I fill the pot to the top or about half way?
How much gap between each shallot bulb and lastly is chicken poop fertiliser pellets ok to use on food stuffs?
Cheers all
Donna :)
10 Apr, 2010
Hi Donna chicken dried pellets is great used in the veggy patch. I use it all the time not in the roots bed thought!! As for shallots don't grow them sorry
10 Apr, 2010
cheers folks, Im off to plant my shallots now!
Its been all go this weekend as today we have got a two day old orphan lamb from a friends rare sheep flock, to hand rear and thats keeping us busy too!
Really appreciate your replies thank you!
11 Apr, 2010
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« My Rhododendron buds but does not bloom. Can you help please
Firstly Chicken "poop" pellets are fine for vegetables, I use tonnes of the stuff (much to my neighbours horror!) Shallots should be treated the same as onions, that is plant them with the tips just proud of the soil. I will be using my finger to make a hole big enough for them to go in and then firming the soil around them. I would plant mine at least 6 inches apart and usually if you were planting in straight rows you should leave 10 - 12 inches between the rows. I would fill your pot up to about 2 inches from the top as you don't need to add any more once the sets are in! This way, when you water it won't over fill and wash out.
10 Apr, 2010