By Grandmage
United Kingdom
Does anyone know about bee boxes? Ours has been unoccupied for the last few years, how can we encourage bumbles to take up residence?
10 Apr, 2010
Thank you, will do.
10 Apr, 2010
Grow lavendar
10 Apr, 2010
I have Lavender, globe thistle and all sorts of bee loving plants but they must be nesting elsewhere, never mind I have an amazing mason bee colony which are facinating to watch so I will make do. Thanks anyway.
10 Apr, 2010
Bumble bees don't go in to bee boxes I don't think. They make nests in the ground sometimes using an old mouse nest. When I come across one in the garden I mark where it is and do not disturb it.
25 May, 2010
This box that I have scotsgran is a special 'bee' box which mimics an old mouse hole/nest, you can buy them specially for this reason and to save our bees from disaster. I have 'mason bee' boxes and they are a great success but the bumble bee box has not been used so far :0( I purchase all my boxes from 'wiggly wigglers' a great company for conservation.
26 May, 2010
That is interesting. Maybe it needs to be placed low near the ground.
26 May, 2010
I have put the box on the ground but the for sale sign is still up !!!!
27 May, 2010
You need a different letting agent lol. Hope someone can help you soon. The recommendation is that the boxes should be in place for the autumn so that the bees will overwinter in the box. Maybe wiggly wigglers will be able to give you advice.
27 May, 2010
I have had the box for over three years now and no luck, perhaps the rent is too high !!!!
27 May, 2010
The bee nests I come across aresometimes in the holes in the heather rockery made by other creatures or along the edges of the lawn in the borders if that is any help.
27 May, 2010
Well I have moved it around each season and it is now in amongst ivy and jap. anenomes so will see if that works, thanks Scotsgran.
27 May, 2010
omg even the bees are haveing probs in the houseing area lol. try put a to let sign on internet haha . sorry just had to say it lol . gud luck x
14 Aug, 2010
Thanks Cristina, very amusing Lol !!!!
14 Aug, 2010
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Lots of info. if you Google 'advice on bee boxes' ... hope that helps.
10 Apr, 2010