United Kingdom
how do i care for my lemon tree?
12 Apr, 2010
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fruit trees
As for plant food I would recommend a more balanced fertilizer.Which means
same percentage of nitrogen for foilage, same of phosphorus, for the root system, and same of potassium(potash) for flowering which means eventual fruiting.An example would be 18.18.18. ratio.
17 Apr, 2010
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It likes fast-draining potting mix, ample sun, and regular applications of high nitrogen plant food. It will survive on lesser light, but it will never bloom or bear fruit. Drench the soil thoroughly when you water it, then let the soil dry out to 1-2 cm deep--don't let water sit in the saucer. It can go outside in the summer, when it should have as much sun as possible. Indoors, its sun requirements send it to a conservatory or bay window, or a greenhouse, if available.
13 Apr, 2010