Acer Japonica
United Kingdom
I have an Acer Japonica. It has purple leaves which turn bright red in the Autumn. The leaves are begining to look shrivelled at the edges. The plant is 4 years old and in a tub. We repotted it about 4 weeks ago because we thought it may be pot bound but it seems to be getting worse.
25 Jun, 2008
Like other Japanese maples, it needs a sunny or partially shaded spot which is protected from cold winds. The soil should be moist but well-drained. It is suitable for growing in a large container, using John Innes No 3 compost, but must be kept well-watered.
25 Jun, 2008
Some of my Acers suffer from this, it can be caused from the wind as well being scorched from the sun. I moved one last year and I thought it was ok in its new position but yep some of it's leaves are going curly and brown again.
25 Jun, 2008
Hope you used Ericaceous soil?? Mine sometimes goes a bit brown and curly. Jackie x :)
27 Jun, 2008
Could it be wind damage? That's the most probable cause. Try moving it to a more sheltered position. I hope that it recovers.
25 Jun, 2008