By Turts
huddersfield, west yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Planted tomato seeds, in compost, probably too early, in green house(unheated). Germonation has not happened. Might be 4 weeks now. My question is this- Will they eventually germinate when temps get higher or as i started too early will the seeds now be rubbish and shall i start again. The seeds were fresh by the way.
thanks for any help
12 Apr, 2010
Previous question
« clay soil down 7ft and the garden gets flooded when it rains, what can be done
I have some tomato plants coming through in the greenhouse but not one's that I planted but from the soil where some had dropped in the soil last year, and they are doing ok so I will leave them in the pots so I would leave your seed and wait as they have two chances.
12 Apr, 2010