plant type
By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
can anyone tell me what this is please and if so can i take a clump of it or cutting looks realy the foleidge from this flower in the picture ? thanx take care everyone great site take care

25 Jun, 2008
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This looks like an Alium, If it is it should have a few strap shaped leaves at its base, probably going slightly yellow by now.
They are bulbs, they dont cost too much in the garden centre.
They also look good once the colour has gone and you are left with just the seed head.
25 Jun, 2008
25 Jun, 2008
Definitely an allium
25 Jun, 2008
Aren't you lucky to have such a lovely Allium! I only have success with one type - 'Purple Sensation', I have tried the bigger ones with NO luck.
25 Jun, 2008
well nice to meat you to mike and thanx everybody much apreciated.i thaught the flower looked like it wasnt realy with the foliage under it.does it have no leaves as such then ? if it isnt the alliums foliage what plant is that then ?
25 Jun, 2008
Leaves look a bit like Crocosmia??? A possibility???
26 Jun, 2008
cool thanx much of my faverite flowers/plants is my globe artichoke.the beez love it to they seam to get realy quite drunk and actualy stay the night believe it or not lol.ill put a picture on here ok and thanx take care and keep up the good work
26 Jun, 2008
If you like to grow globe artichoke, noseypotter, try growing Cardoon.. they are cousins... cardoon is dead easy from seed... they will grow to about five feet tall, huge fountain of silver-gray toothed leaves..really architectural.(like an acanthus leaf but better).. almost sculptural...right down your street!
They like really good garden soil...nice loamy stuff and they will become HUGE. The pic is an allium (onion) so as you'd expect they are bulbs... I have a perennial type that grows to all of 10 inches tall, it's reclusive not very showy...can buy the bulbs you can shop a catalogue or go see which ones you like best...Cheers!
26 Jun, 2008
thank you for that love i will take that on board for shore.take care bye for now
26 Jun, 2008
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Think its an allium but don't know the variety.Will probably set seed after the flowers fade.
Nice to meet you, Mike
25 Jun, 2008