By Charley111
United States
I have a trumpet vine i need to move because of it being poisonous to dogs, can it be put in a pot any advice
16 Apr, 2010
ow your in georgia i guess its always warm there isnt it .if you do move it keep as much soil on the roots as possible even rap them up while you move it or get the pot right next to it.then water a lot and keep your fingers crossed .it mite be worth cutting the actual plant back so more energy goes into not 100% on this but hopefully someone who knows better will let you know.take care bye for now .
16 Apr, 2010
If this is a Campsis trumpet vine, be aware that any little piece of root you leave in the ground will grow into a new vine, you may need to practice vigilance, and never let it show leaves for more than a day or two, over the next year or two to get rid of it. Chemical weed killers could also work, but will be at least as toxic to your dogs as the vine!
16 Apr, 2010
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i think anything can be put in a pot if its big enough .i would look on google and see the plants full size and pot it up acording to that.its getting a bit late to move as the leaves are starting to open . is there any way you can put some chicken wire or something round it till the plants dorement again next late winter ?
16 Apr, 2010